God jul från V2!!(Merry Christmas from V2!!) Nordströmmen Julesnus

nordstrommen-julesnusWell fellow Snustopians, it's that time of year again! The time of year that most people love and, my favorite time of the year! Here in America, we know it as Christmas time, Chanukah or Kwanzaa. In Norway and Sweden it's known as Advent. No matter how or where you celebrate it, it's meant to be a celebration, to spend with family and friends, good food and drink and to celebrate life. To the kiddies, they mainly remember the gifts and waiting the entire year for that special gift they asked for! Not a bad thing but, we adults like gifts too! I know I do and, V2's Nordströmmen Julesnus is the one I've been waiting for since I heard about Julesnus in June. There are two companies that make Julesnus, Gotlandssnus and V2. Today, we'll be reviewing V2's!

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V2's Offroad Cranberry Lös, Don't let the price fool you!!

Cranberry PortionWelcome Back!! Sorry we haven't met in 2 weeks but, my internet connection has been acting weird and, I had to replace the modem so, you will now be seeing more reviews and random talks about snus and snuff more often!! Praise the I.T. gods. Before we get into reviewing Offroad Cranberry Lös, I need to tell you a bit about this company. V2 is a relatively new snus company located in Silkeborg, Denmark and owned by Marc and Patrick Vogel. They currently produce mainly the Offroad and Phantom brands (as well as others), in portion and lös versions. They began production in 2006 and have been producing high quality snus at a remarkable price ever since! All of V2's snus is priced below $3 USD a can but, as the title says, don't let the price fool you into thinking their product is sub-par. Other snus manufacturers could take a page from the Vogel's book when it comes to making an outstanding product and, not charging an arm and a leg for it.

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